

:) tideman.c exists

checking that tideman.c exists...

:) tideman compiles

running clang tideman.c -o tideman -std=c11 -ggdb -lm -lcs50...
running clang tideman_test.c -o tideman_test -std=c11 -ggdb -lm -lcs50...

:) vote returns true when given name of candidate

:) vote returns false when given name of invalid candidate

:) vote correctly sets rank for first preference

:) vote correctly sets rank for all preferences

:) record_preferences correctly sets preferences for first voter

:) record_preferences correctly sets preferences for all voters

:) add_pairs generates correct pair count when no ties

:) add_pairs generates correct pair count when ties exist

:) add_pairs fills pairs array with winning pairs

:) add_pairs does not fill pairs array with losing pairs

:) sort_pairs sorts pairs of candidates by margin of victory

:) lock_pairs locks all pairs when no cycles

:( lock_pairs skips final pair if it creates cycle

lock_pairs did not correctly lock all non-cyclical pairs

:) lock_pairs skips middle pair if it creates a cycle

:) print_winner prints winner of election when one candidate wins over all others

:) print_winner prints winner of election when some pairs are tied